What Motivates Us

Bruce and Sherry do missions. From our home church in Shelton, WA., we have been doing mission in Mexico building houses, in Haiti leading medical teams and training pastors, and in Zimbabwe working with churches and pastors.

Donna grew up on the mission field. She lived in Dine, Zimbabwe, one of the places we work. She has a passion for the work in Maranda, building a clinic, organizing revivals, and caring for the people she loves in Zimbabwe.

We have added the scripture from Matthew 28:19-20 because it is one of the passages that reflects who we are and what we do. This is a passion we possess. This passion is what motivates us to be goers. We all can be goers, goers to work, school, the story, and our church. Some are called to go further. We are answering that call.

Most translation make “Go” in Matthew 28:19 a command. This is grammatically possible and seems preferred by most. However, the word is a participle, and can also be translated, “As you go,” or “When you go,” or just “Going.” We have chosen this use as it reflects the way we live our lives. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we are about making disciples. Thus, we are “As We Go Missions.”