We Did Get Home

As opposed to our last trip home from Zimbabwe, we had a very calm, on time journey from Nairobi to JFK to SeaTac and then home. Thanks, Kyle Moffitt, for watching our car and picking us up in the midst of the chaos that is arrivals. Unfortunately, some of our traveling companions were not so fortunate. But that is their story, and I will let them tell it. As we came to Seattle, I lightened the blind (it is a Airbus thing) and there it was, The Mountain. I know we were home.

This is a few days late because we arrived Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning I went to Junior Camp a Pleasant Valley Christian Camp. I had a great time. I love hanging with the kids and especially the staff. I have some really great, longtime friend there and was sad when I thought I might miss it. The directors, Katie and Marita were gracious enough to let me come late. Actually, I was supposed to replace a cabin dad that was leaving early. He didn’t so I had my own cabin and fun without any real responsibilities. It was nice.

I am home as of last night and enjoying a calm and peaceful birthday. Some who read this sent wishes for which I am very grateful. The next trip to Zimbabwe and Kenya, with a possible stop in Mozambique (that is a Simon idea) are in the planning stages. More news on that front as it becomes available. The next three outings are Winema Week of Missions, next week, and ICOM and Mexico in November.