We Are Almost Official

We took another step in being officially a Washington State business. We received our 501(c)3 approval letter today in the mail. That was a big hurdle and it went through the first time. Praise for that one! Today I made application to the Department of Licensing for our business license. To confess I didn’t know we needed one, but evidently, we do. That should come in maybe six weeks.

The last step will be getting a business account at a bank. We are researching this, as we are sending money to Zimbabwe to support the work we are doing there. That takes a special type of account. I had planned to use PCFCU here in town. We do have a special account to handle As We Go Missions donations until we find the right account. No bank in Shelton has the right international account for us. So Olympia, here we come.

All this to say, we are open for business and ready to receive tax-exempt donations. There is a page here to help with that, or send a check to As We Go Missions, 127 W Roosevelt St., Shelton, WA 58584 And Thanks for supporting our work. Believe me when I say, this is important stuff.