Our Current Activities After Africa

Several have asked what we are up to now that we are back from Africa. The first thing we did was report to Shelton Christian Church our trip to Kenya. We love to share the story of the countries and people we meet and work.

We have added a fifth board member to our team, Roger Peterson from Oregon. He was with us in Zimbabwe and has been active in our Maranda projects. He is a welcome addition. Bruce, Sherry, Donna, Roger, and Nathan all attended Winema Week of Missions. We facilitated Dr Bungu, from Mashoko Christian Medical Mission network with people from the Northwest. Mashoko hospital is our Maranda Clinic partner. They handle the medical side, while we raise funds. It is one of the key legs of our mission. Donna and Roger have taken him to several churches and meetings with interested people. I also was privileged to share As We Go Missions at an afternoon session and we had a display to show what we do.

Since we have returned from Week of Missions, Sherry and I have worked on one of the cabins at Pleasant Valley Christian Camp. There are ten cabins in what is called the Upper Camp. They are/were basic shells which meant they were hot in the summer and freezing in the winter. We have insolated five of them (we are finishing the fifth this week) and placed tongue and groove pine for the walls and white shiplap for the ceilings. There are only five to go and donations are welcome. Each is about $5000 to complete.

We have a few weeks before we head to Mexico with Amor to build a house. Then it will be ICOM. Our next Africa trip will be March/April, 2025. So keep praying, and remember we love your financial help.