Sherry and I are getting ready to make that next big Africa adventure. I have created a very catchy name for it, Africa 2025. Brilliant I must say, cause no one else will I am sure.

We have airplane tickets which is always a good thing. And speaking of tickets, one of the challenges with them is when exactly to buy them. Several things come into play. One is when exactly you want to go and how long can you afford to stay. Once those dates are close, and close is important because a day or two can make a big difference in price. And how long before the trip should one wait as fares tend to go up and down and occasionally an airline with have a one day sale. All that said, I have them, and I did pretty well. One note which could use a bit of prayer. I used companies that I have never used before. There are some sketchy sites out there, but I believe these will deliver the goods (me being the goods).

And by the grace of God, we have raised the lion’s share of our funding. Tickets are purchased, and Kenya expenses have been sent off. We are still needing about $3000 to cover important things, like fuel, and food. As I type those numbers, they suddenly seemed a bit bigger than I imagined. But considering this is an expensive trip accomplishing some very important work, it is certainly doable. If you would like to help us out with this last bit, there are the usual ways: mailing a check, on this website (the donate button above), Zelle (if your bank does that), and Venmo. If you need help, fire off an email and I’ll help you out. is the email.
The last part of this journey is the schedule. We know several events that we need to accomplish and are aware of things that will happen which we have not planned for. There are people in Zimbabwe who are awaiting our arrival so that they can put us to work. This year, which is not unique, it is just Sherry and I making the trip. Several people talked about joining us, and want to in the future, but it is the two intrepid travelers off again.

More than anything else, we need people’s prayers. Where we are headed is fairly safe countries. Still, things can happen. Last time our pickup broke down on the side of the road and we needed rescue. It happened before we got our Zimbabwe phones operating. A couple of years ago, immigration decided we needed to leave before elections. Friends have gotten sick, our friend Donna got covid while there. And we are sharing Jesus, and what it means to walk the walk. We are teaching church leaders and pastors about stewardship and more. Pray that He goes before us to prepare hearts and minds. Pray about that schedule and those flights. And pray for friends who will greet us, care for us, and share His love with us. Off we go, ready or not.