An African Plan Is Emerging

We have talked since we returned this Summer from there that we are wanting and planning to return to Africa in 2025. That desire is now developing into a real plan with some real dates and real needs. And the need is big.

The Plan

Our trip tentatively begins February 24th, culminating in Harare, Zimbabwe on the 27th. We will spend the next six weeks in Zimbabwe, Dine (Maranda) and Chiredzi mainly with stops in other locations. There will also be a new country visited, Mozambique. We will be checking on things at the Maranda clinic, visiting Dr Bungu at Moshoko Christian Hospital, as he is overseeing the clinic. There is a need for teaching on stewardship and we will be doing so in a number of churches. Other topics will be covered as the need presents itself. Part of the teaching will be held in Mozambique, which is a new place for us. Also, we look forward spending time and helping our church in Chiredzi. There are other Zimbabwe friends we hope to include while there, including Dave and Cynthia Fortescue. Shelton Christian supports their ministry there.

The last part of the trip, April 17-19 will be in Kenya with Community Christian Church and their ministry network. The plan is to bring in over 100 pastors and church leaders for three days. Our part of this gathering is leading them through stewardship. There will be two parts to this. The first is learning to be a steward and the second is leading their churches through training. This is the same people we spent time last June with.

The Need

The need for this trip is not small. Sherry and I will need $4500-$5000 for our part of the journey, $3000 for airfare and the rest for transportation, food, lodging, and the like. We are needing to help the preachers’ conference to the tune of $9000. That cover food, transportation, and housing for the 100 pastors for three days. We would love it if you would help us with this project. We have seven months to raise $15,000. That seems like a big number to me, but then I have seen God amazingly do greater things than this. There is a donation link at the top of this page, or we have a Venmo Account – @aswego

A Special Blessing

One of the things that our partner church at Highline Christian is doing is to help build a church in the town of Mlelezi. We will be visiting there and help get finances to them so they can complete on the church.

We are also looking to take a couple of people with us who have never been to Africa but are a big part of what we are doing. More on this will be forthcoming in the near future, so be praying with us about this opportunity. They will get to see some of what we at As We Go Missions is all about. (And experience a game park in the process).