Several Cool News Items

First off, we have completed all our applications to function as a mission here in Washington and for that matter, around the world. While our business license is still pending, we are able to do our thing. It is pretty exciting. Some people like to say things like, “This is a dream come true.” I can honestly say that I am not saying that. This has not been a dream I have had; it is something that I have been called to do. There has been more work and more worry than I imagine when I finally said yes to the project. But it is done and God will be blessing us I am sure.

The next item concerns the clinic at Dine, Zimbabwe. We have signed paperwork to become a fundraising organization for that clinic. There has been a bit of misunderstanding about this project, so let me clear up a few things. First, we are currently only a stateside mission and plan to say that way. Anything we do overseas is always in conjunction with someone else. In this case the clinic will be managed on the Zimbabwe side by Mashoko Christian Hospital Medical Mission. The money we raise will be limited to the clinic in Dine. There is a designation for the clinic on this website donation page. We will visit regularly, and there is work for us to do in Dine (also referred to as Maranda) and funds will be raised for those projects.

Another bit of news relates to Sherry and me and our trip to Kenya with FAME. As of this writing we are twelve days from lift off. Our plane is schedules to depart 7/5 @ 11:02 p.m. and arrive in Kenya on 7/7 @ 10:45 a.m. with a stop at JFK in New York to meet up with the rest of the team. This is a ten day trip and Shery and I will be teaching in Narok, Kenya with Community Christian Church. Lots is happening between now and then, but we are on our way. The usual pray items are appreciated, but special prayers for air travel would be appropriate. With our experience coming home from Zimbabwe and the delays, missed flights, and LONG layovers, prayer coverage for that aspect would be great. (I will try and keep you posted as to what is going on. I will put them here and cross-post to as well. Those post will be more personal, while these will be more news items.

One last item. Sherry and I are organizing a Mexico build with AMOR in November. When I say “organizing” I mean enlisting people to go. If you are interested in joining us, fire off an email to us at Or you can simply go to their website,, and register for the November 9-11 three-day trip. Note that you are part of the As We Go Missions Group. This is getting to be a good-sized team and we are excited about what we can get done.