Moving Forward, May 10

It took a while, but As We Go Missions has received it nonprofit charitable corporation approval. We are excited and working on the next steps to be a full 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Next two step is get get our Employee Identification Number form the IRS. And I cannot apply until Monday, the 13th. After that is done, then we can apply for that 501 status. Once I have that, then I apply for a business license here in Washington (I started it, but that is when I learned about the need for the 501(c)3 first). No one told me that one until page 6 of the application. Keep praying. Once those steps are done, I will set up a donation page.

And somewhere here we have to open a bank account. Which is not as easy as you might think because of the money we are sending to Zimbabwe for the clinic and other projects.

The second thing that happened this week, on the same day actually, is that we have officially been given the go ahead to be the stateside support for the clinic in Maranda. The day-to-day management of the clinic will be in the hands of our very capable Zimbabwe partners, Mashoko Hospital. Sherry and I will make annual trips to check on needs, but our main role is as fundraisers.